Conqueror's Blade Wiki
Conqueror's Blade Wiki

The Great Bombard is an artillery piece.

Overview[ | ]

The Great Bombard is a massive unwieldy artillery piece which fires a single gigantic exploding cannonball per shot. It is capable of obliterating any and all units and heroes caught in the radius of the blast. Although it has an extreme level of power, the Great Bombard is very slow to rotate, very slow to reload, and also poses a great threat to allies who may be accidentally hit by this weapon. Outside of the matchmade siege battle map Reginopolis, it is extremely rare due to its current unobtainability.

Stats[ | ]

Icon Name Rarity Rounds Damage Per Shot Hitpoints Reload Time
Gold Great Bombard Great Bombard Legendary 8 45000 26000 20s

Acquisition[ | ]

The Great Bombard is currently unobtainable. It can technically be bought and sold on the market but in practice due to its extreme rarity it is usually not listed.

Tips[ | ]

  • Great Bombards are extremely rare and are very powerful. Players will typically only ever deal with them on Reginopolis, where they are used to destroy the walls leading to one of the outer Supply Points.

Artillery Types in Conqueror's Blade
BallistaCannonCatapultCulverinDivine CrowFlaming CometGrapeshot CannonGreat BombardHwacha Arrow LauncherMortarScorpioSiege BallistaThunderstarWar Rockets
Siege Engines and Equipment in Conqueror's Blade
Battering RamSiege LadderSiege TowerSkybridgeTrebuchet